Lucrezia Urtis, born in 1988, graduated Architecture in Sardinia, and then went to Milan for a Master’s Degree in Graphic Design. Her works are in between illustration and painting, the “minyonas”, girls, women, children who speak of fear, pain, love, desire and fascination evoked by the land and traditions, from the sea and wind.

“Drawing is a way that opens a portal that would catapult me into my world, in my land, Alghero.” The memories and emotions are imprinted on paper to last forever. That is how the artist has also approached the art of tattooing.

All of her works, ranging from illustration to tattoo, up to interior design have the common thread of attention to detail, creating an artifact that lets you get a glimpse of her creation process performed with passion, pencils, but mostly ink.
Lucrezia works at Toy Tattoo Parlour in Milan.

All Images & Design © Lucrezia U